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This timeline was adapted from one supplied by the Henry M. Morrison Flagler Museum.
1830 – Henry Morrison Flagler born Jan. 2 in Hopewell, N.Y.
1852 – With half-brother Dan Harkness becomes a partner in the newly organized D. M. Harkness and Company.
1853 – Married Mary Harkness, Nov. 9.
1855 – First child, Jennie Louise, born March 18.
1858 – Second child, Carrie, born June 18.
1850s (late) – Became acquainted with John. D. Rockefeller, a commission agent with Hewitt and Tuttle for the Harkness grain company.
1861 – Daughter Carrie dies at age 3.
1862 – With brother-in-law Barney York, founded Flagler and York Salt Company, a salt mining and production business, in Saginaw, Mich.
1865 – The Civil War ends, causing a drop in the demand for salt. Flagler and York Salt Company collapses, leaving Flagler in heavy debt.

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